Archive for September, 2005

Bloglines still not picking up Sandbox RSS feed

Even though the feed for Sandbox is current:

When you subscribe to it via Bloglines, it doesn’t update. I have no idea why.

A different feed does seem to be working in Bloglines:

Which is fine, I guess, but I was hoping to route everything through feedburner.

Ah, fucking modern technology.

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Stupid Technology – RSS Wonkiness on "Sandbox"

So, now I’m seeing that Bloglines is not properly updating my Designing for the Sandbox feed. I don’t know how it is being treated in other feed clients. If you’re viewing Sandbox in RSS and haven’t seen my “Economics of the sandbox” or “RSS feed fixed” posts, then you’re not getting the updated feeds either. If this is the case, please let me know (peterme @ peterme dot com).

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"Designing for the Sandbox" RSS Feed fixed.

I received complaints from a number of folks that the RSS feed for my new site, “Designing for the Sandbox,” was broken. I believe it is now fixed. Here’s the feed URL.

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Mobile made headscratching.

Winksite’s tag line is “mobile made simple,” but when I got to it’s homepage, all I see is complexity.


This reminds me of Professor Maeda’s post, comparing the evolution of the Yahoo and Google home pages.

True simplicity is remarkably difficult to achieve. And you don’t get there through taglines.

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JJG and Peter and the UX Throwdown at AIGA Boston, September 16, 2005

JJG and I will be appearing Live! on stage! at AIGA’s national conference in Boston, in our two-man show, “Is User Experience Dead?” (4:30-5:30pm, Room 312). (My answer: “yes.” His answer: “no.”) We’re imagining something out of Punch and Judy, or American Gladiators. Whatever it is, walloping will occur!

This also means, by association, that I will be in Boston for the conference. And the AIGA ain’t my normal crowd. So if you’ll be in attendance, and interested in meeting up, lemme know. (Email care of peterme AT peterme DOT com).

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Web 2.0 as utopia, and a new weblog

danah’s recent post inspired me to respond. And that response (“Web 2.0 as Utopia“) is not here on, but on a new weblog, Designing for the Sandbox.

I realized I wanted to track and comment on Web 2.0 (and related) discussions, and didn’t want to do so in the context of this, my personal site. This is something of an experiment for me, and we’ll see how it goes. If you’re interested in that stuff, I suggest visiting there, as I won’t be posting such stuff here any more.

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Laptops – They SO are mobile

A couple months ago, I wrote a post, “Laptops are mobile devices, too,” where I wondered why product designers haven’t taken advantage of laptops mobility, and treat them essentially as desktops. Most folks agreed, except for Thomas Vanderwal, whose comment made absolutely no sense to me.

Anyway, in a feature story in today’s Chronicle, C.W. Nevius discusses how people are increasingly taking their laptops with them on vacation. Not in order to work while on holiday, but because the laptop can serve so many vacation-oriented uses, particularly personal email and watching videos. (Which is exactly what I did with my laptop when I was in L.A. the last few days.) Googling shows that this article is based on a survey that has been reported for a while now.

Photo by Stacy.

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Movie Review: Me And You And Everyone We Know

We just saw the film Me and You and Everyone We Know, and it’s the best movie I’ve seen in the last week (which means, better than The 40-Year Old Virgin, which was good, and better than Broken Flowers, which was only okay). MAYAEWK is probably hard to locate right now — it’s been in theaters a few weeks, and is a highly… idiosyncratic indie flick (I’m purposefully avoiding “quirky,” because I don’t think that overused phrase does the film justice). But it’s worth locating, worth seeing if you’re interested in a strong personal voice telling a set of stories in a truly cinematic way.

The movie also goes to show that while Anthony Lane is a good writer, he’s a pretty shabby critic.

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