Peterme in Professional Mode

Yon Adaptive Path way, I’ve just published “Finding the Right Users”, a guide to getting the right people to participate in your user research.

While I wasn’t blogging, I published “Conducting International Usability”, my baldfaced attempt at getting someone else to fly me around the world to conduct user tests.

And hey, super-catchy essay titles, eh? I suppose they make it clear what to expect!


  1. well written thanks again.

  2. wolf said

    Great page … very different and calming … unlike 98% out there!
    congratulations & best wishes for the future!

  3. Walker Tyrone said

    Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.

  4. stasio said

    stasio mysli, ze smierdzicie

  5. 5t453k said

    Własnie wruciłem z premiery “one Last Dance” i muszę stwierdzić że wilm jest kiepski a Swayze się zestarzał i ma strasznie przepity głos…..

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